Plumbing Services in Atlanta and nearby Counties

Water damage may come from flood, storm, and broken pipes. To prevent further damage from standing water, immediate action should be done. ServiceMaster by Lovejoy offers water removal and structural drying services in Atlanta, Covington, and Conyers and nearby Counties.…


Mold Inspection and Remediation Services by ServiceMaster by Lovejoy

Mold inspection and remediation should be done professionally by your trusted restoration company like ServiceMaster by Lovejoy. We have been servicing Atlanta, Conyers, Covington, Dekalb and nearby Counties since 1995. Most people assume that mold is harmless and cannot affect…


Fire and Water Damage Reconstruction Services in Atlanta Georgia

Water and fire damage always brings devastation and destruction to your home and establishment. Water and fire damage reconstruction is necessary to secure your  safety and quality of your business establishment and home. Having a trusted restoration and repair company…


Structural Drying Services in Atlanta, Georgia after Water Damage

Anyone can experience the devastation of flooding and water damage. Flooding can occur in your home or business and can cause major damage to your property. Flooding inside your home or establishment should be removed as soon as possible. Flooding…
