Plumbing Services in Atlanta and nearby Counties

Plumbing is one of the main causes of water damage. Standing water from leaky pipes, dripping faucet, gurgling toilet, broken drain line and clogged drain can be caused by your plumbing. If you are having a hard time dealing with…


Fire and Water Damage Reconstruction Service

Fire and water damage can bring havoc and total destruction to your home and property. Proper precaution in preventing such accidents should be practiced. Water and fire damage can happen to anyone anytime. Having a trusted and professional restoration and…


How to Restore and Repair Freezing Pipes

Cold season can cause a big problem in your pipes and water line. Winter freezes water in your pipes and when water freezes it expands. The pressure creates a tremendous pressure that can make your pipes burst. Water damage such…


4 Tips to Protect Your Home from the Cold Weather

Winter can take its toll on your home and property. Aside from the usual pile of snow you have to shovel from your driveway, not preparing your home from the freezing cold can do serious damages. It is never too…


Tips to Remove Bad Odors after Water Damage

Most of us are familiar with that dank smell that comes with the water damage package. May it be in form of a pipe leak or seepage through the walls, water damage leaves a musty odor and encourages the growth…


Keep your Home Safe during the Holiday

Going on a vacation or staying home during the holiday season with family is always a good idea. Sharing food, stories and experiences with everyone you have missed is a great way to catch up. Holidays could also be spent…


Prevent Mold and Contamination after a Fire or Water Damage

Mold can spread within 48 hours and can cause contamination and trigger asthma and illness. Mold and contamination can happen after you experienced fire and water damage.Restoration and repair process should be done properly by professionals like ServiceMaster Lovejoy to…


Save your Furnitures and Personal Belongings from Water Damage

When water damage happens, your personal belongings and furniture can be damaged and should to be cleaned to prevent accidents. Water damage can happen anywhere, in your home, office or working establishments. To save your furniture and personal belongings, you…
